Albatroz participates at the Aeronautical Meeting of the Universidade da Beira Interior at Castelo Branco Albatroz invites people interested in aviation and aeronautics to visit the ENA meeting at Castelo Branco Aerodrome on the 13th and 14th of May and the presentations on the following days at UBI campus in Covilhã. It’s a great chance to intersect one’s dreams with the real world life of aviation today, while charting routes for the futures of aeronautics and sustainable development in Portugal. There will be airshows, static displays and many seasoned professionals eager to share their expertise. Albatroz Engenharia, which is a member of APANT – Asssociação Portuguesa de Aeronaves Não Tripuladas, the first UAS association in Portugal, will be present at ENA in Castelo Branco during the week-end and at the Debate sessions in Covilhã on the 15th.