Reliable engineering
takes many forms

About Us

Albatroz Engenharia S.A is a private company answering its customers innovation needs in the areas of robotics, aeronautics, software, mechanics and electronics.

The company is based in Lisbon, Portugal and started its activities in March 2006.

Albatroz Engenharia has created two innovative solutions for aerial power line inspections with integrated, interactive, real-time tools and sensors to improve the quality of electrical service while minimizing maintenance costs.

Its flagship product, called Power Line Maintenance Inspection (PLMI) was developed in three variants, two of which are already flying in Portugal, Spain and France. The LiDAR vegetation maintenance (“line track inspection”) solution has unparalleled economic efficiency and was used to inspect more than 300.000 km since its inception.

Other product prototypes were developed, including a rail inspection tool, a 3D modeling system for archeology or virtual scenarios, and a Laser Measurement Tool (LMT).



Albatroz Engenharia is dedicated to the research, development and delivery to its customers of innovative solutions addressing their needs in the areas of robotics engineering, signal processing and related technical areas.

Design for value/cost

Albatroz Engineering believes that the optimal solution for a given problem is usually not the best technical solution nor the cheapest workaround; instead it lies somewhere in the middle of the spectrum and the exact optimal point must be determined for each client. Serving two clients with (seemingly!) the same needs, usually leads to different optimal solutions.


The company works in close cooperation with customers during each project stage. Albatroz Engenharia members interact with customers teams – if possible even participating in their work – to learn their activities specifics. Albatroz Engenharia members are then able to look at challenges from an internal and external point of view. The customer is kept in the loop about project progress and thrid party audits are welcome during the project.

Connecting people, businesses, knowledge

Albatroz Engineering has established itself as a bridge between universities, research centres and industry. It promotes internships and co-operation with schools as well as long-term partnerships with industry leaders (suppliers, peers and clients).

Code of Ethics

Although only some of the company’s engineers are IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – members, Albatroz Engenharia follows IEEE etics code, a clear, concise and complete code that is adequate to the company’s activities.


Albatroz Engenharia deploys research and development activities in response to its clients needs in the fields of robotics engineering, signal processing, aeronautics, software and related fields.


Albatroz Engenharia aims to establish itself as a network of research units working for their clients, spread across various countries and fields of expertise, that work together to reinforce their competencies and link
with local societies to learn and assess market needs and deliver optimal tailored solutions.

Albatroz Engenharia believes that only in this way can provide the optimal solution that suits each client.


Albatroz Engineering regards sustainable development as the framework to design its activities.

The objects of the activity
The objects of the activities are all persons external to the company affected by its activities as well as the human, social and natural environments affected by it.

On this pillar, the company publishes:

  • mission, vision and values;
  • environmental care policy;
  • environmental impact evaluation;
  • heritage care policy.

The subjects of the activity

The subjects are the team members, suppliers and other partners that contribute to the companies activities.

On this pillar, the company publishes:

  • ethics code;
  • work culture;
  • education and R&D policy.


Founded in

Main Function

R&D (Research and Development)
Customized Solutions




Lisboa, Portugal


Technical and Scientific Publications

Environmental Care

Albatroz Engenharia implemented a policy based on five principles.
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Participation in


CIGRÉ2008, Paris

In June 2007 the development of the 3D reconstruction of power lines project was completed, which was integrated into the Power Line Maintenance Inspection (PLMI) solution.

Later on, the development of an evolution of the PLMI system for Spain was started. This later solution is distinguished from the previous one by greater precision in the geographical location on points of interest and by the integration of asset management tools and geographic information systems in the system architecture. At the end of 2009 there were three PLMI systems operating (two of which are still under operation), performing a total of 11.900 km of inspected lines.

In 2010 Albatroz Engenharia began working on the inspection of medium voltage lines, stepping up the number of kilometers inspected to about 21.500 km. In the same year, the obstacle detection software for Canada and U.S.A was licensed.


Participation in


CIGRÉ2012, Paris
CIRED2013, Stockholm
Le Bourget International Paris Air Show 2013
CIGRÉ2014, Paris

In 2011, Albatroz Engenharia entered the French market with the rental of the PLMI system and the provision of inspection reports. After inspections are performed in the customer territory with the PLMI system by an aircraft operator, Albatroz Engenharia analyzes the data and processes output ?les according to the customer speci?cations.
In 2012, with the introduction of a second PLMI system, its presence in the medium voltage market was strenghtened. The company reaches 48.200 km of inspected lines from which 28.000 km were in medium voltage. The company becomes part of the PME Inovation COTEC network.

In February 2014, Albatroz Engenharia was recognized as Design Organization Approval (DOA) by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). In the same year, seven PLMI systems were used in total, having inspected more than 60.000 km of power lines.


Participation in


CIRED2015, Lyon
CIGRÉ2016, Paris
OHLEx 2016, Chester U.K.
Portuguese Industry Day, NSPA Capellen, Luxemburg
CIRED2017, Glasgow
Portugal Air Summit 2017, Ponte de Sôr
Lisboa Robotics 2017, Lisboa
XVII ERIAC, Paraguay
Lisboa Robotics 2018, Lisboa
Portugal Air Summit 2018, Ponte de Sôr
CIGRÉ2018, Paris

The year 2015 was marked by the launch of the TRAX system, a system that is distinguished by its versatility and lightweight (2kg), since it allows 3D modeling or inspections of power lines from the ground, with the system mounted on a car, a tripod or a vest.

In 2016, 10 years after the creation of Albatroz, the company has surpassed the 300.000 km barrier of inspected lines, and became part of the NSPA database.

In 2017, the HELIX 300 was launched, a system that in addition to maintaining the key attributes of previous systems (integration, flexibility and real time), stands out with new and improved features.
In the last two years. The company has been present in many fairs and exhibitions and has also become a member of APANT.


Participation in


Portugal Air Summit 2019, Ponte de Sôr
XVIII ERIAC, Foz do Iguaçu
CIRED2019, Madrid
Paris Air Show, Paris

2019 started with Albatroz Engenharia being recognized as SME Leader of 2018, but the status improved by reaching the SME Excellence level in April.

In May Albatroz presented its expansion plan, and at a press conference Albatroz Engenharia’s administrator, Gomes Mota, explained the investment that will be made in Castelo Branco. The new office at the Center for Innovative Companies was announced, and also the hangar that will support the company’s projects.


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Our Team

Albatroz Engenharia counts on its permanent team with external collaborations and in certain cases former Albatroz members.

Since its foundation, the company has also had the participation of interns from various countries of different continents through various internship programs, having developed academic work and obtained professional experience in Albatroz Engenharia.

The permanent team consists of engineers from several areas: Aerospace, Mechanics and Electrotechnics, Computer Science, Software and Image Processing.

It also has a large team responsible for analysis and reports elaboration of line inspections.