Reliable engineering
takes many forms


“Software for Acquisition Verification and Export“

With the increase in the quality of information and data volume obtained during line inspections, the need arose for the development of a reliable and efficient software to manage data storage and processing.

From this challenge SAVE (Software for Acquisition Verification and Export) was created.

SAVE is a software that allows the automatic extraction of data from Albatroz Engenharia equipment (HELIX, TRAX), ensuring that there is no loss of information and providing the possibility of making immediate backups for the desired support.

SAVE also offers a summary view of the available data, thus facilitating the ordering by name, date of acquisition, size, among others.

In addition, it allows the visualisation, for each recording session, of sensors state, trajectories, speeds or line detected in real time by systems like HELIX 300 or TRAX 300.

During file extraction to the user’s computer or to a server, an integrity check is performed ensuring a more reliable operation.

With the use of SAVE, the reliability of all the data obtained during the mission is guaranteed, ruling out the need for reinspections to correct or recover lost/corrupted information.